From the darkness and uncertainty of Jehovah's Witnesses to the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven

No longer dead, but made alive by God Himself to be an heir with Jesus Christ by faith and grace alone.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Watchtower “The Ransom – God’s Greatest Gift”

Theistichedonist has analyzed and responded to the Watchtower's "The Ransom - God's Greatest Gift" from their book What Does The Bible Really Teach?. The Society's teaching is SELF-CENTERED and all but disregards the crucial focus.

From his article:

One of the pressing questions for the WT is this: Is Adam’s perfect life the primary thing that was lost in the Fall? This question is raised because it appears that although Adam’s loss was profoundly devastating, it was peanuts compared to what God lost in the Fall.

Only if we understand what Adam and God lost when Adam (and all mankind) sinned can we appreciate why the Ransom is such a valuable gift to us.When the WT was seeking to explain precisely how much Adam lost when he fell, they discussed who Adam was by nature (“Adam was made in God’s image…Adam was made with qualities like those of God, including love, wisdom, justice and power.”). The WT also briefly implied that one of Adam’s reasons for existing was to perform “…satisfying assignments of work…”

By discussing who Adam was and why he existed, the WT was able to lay the conceptual groundwork by which they could explain both how much Adam lost and what could be done to repay the loss. Likewise, in seeking to discover how much God lost, the questions, “Who is God?” and “Why does God exist?” ought to be asked as well.

The writer correctly identifies the problems with their viewpoint.

1. They focused exclusively on what Adam and mankind had lost.

2. They completely side-stepped any discussion of what God had lost.

3. They neglected to insist that mankind’s deification of self, and the sin that inevitably follows, is an infinitely heinous crime.

4. They insisted that a remedy needed to be found for Adam’s loss while completely ignoring the need to remedy God’s loss.

You can expect the Watchtower to incorporate these points in the future while still distorting the Gospel.


Mike Felker said...

I really appreciated this. I'm currently in this particular chapter in one of the many "book studies" that I am involved with and it is interesting how the WT views the atonement. It is so man centered and not God centered! Its all about Adam and the Fall and says almost nothing about God's wrath against sin and our need for an infinite sacrifice to appease and propitiate an infinite amount of wrath!

Keep up the good work. I am always encouraged by your posts.

Sacchiel said...

Thank you Mike-e! Please let me know how those "book studies" are coming along. I pray they will hear the gospel and be saved from ruin.