From the darkness and uncertainty of Jehovah's Witnesses to the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven

No longer dead, but made alive by God Himself to be an heir with Jesus Christ by faith and grace alone.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

God's Warriors, Islam, and sneaking to church

CNN's God's Warriors with Christiane Amanpour unjustifiably portrays christians being just as much a threat as islamic suicide bombers. Even with this poor attempt at being balanced, this show states muslim youth in america feel a great disconnect with the culture and reject it. They don't date, drink alcohol, and engage in premarital sex.

I agree with them, sex outside of marriage and intoxication is immoral.

Rehan Seyam, a muslim girl appearing on the show,

"Islam is a way of life. Ask anyone who practices. They will tell you, it's not just your religion. A lot of people go to the church on Sunday, and that's their religion for their week. Mine is every single day, every minute of my day."

It is hard not to care for Seyam. Her impression, that one-day-a-week churchgoers don't take God seriously, is one I held. My reluctance to see if this was so the Almighty used for His glory. As a Witness I secretly went to church. In it I found people with a heart and mind for God. Sinners united there for one purpose, to worship the Creator. Perhaps not every one of them was repentant and a new creation, but this was a far cry from what I had expected.

This impression of one-day-a-week reverence is far from the truth. Knowing the one true God and His Son Jesus Christ is a personal and constant journey. Christ suffering for our wickedness so that we would receive His righteousness is testimony to His love.

My question is, do muslims have a God who is this personal- who took it upon Himself to be a Sacrifice and Redeemer? Do you?

1 comment:

Mike said...

Interesting. I had a little different reaction to the "Christianity" segment. While I thought Amanpour was fair in her portrayal of both extremes of Islam, I think she did the same for Christianity. Although Islam's extremists terroriz physically and mentally, there are many "Christians" who are "dangerous" because their behavior and language is a turn-off from the gospel message.

For instance, did you hear the outlandish quote by the pastor who is adamant that Christians have a God-given responsibility to vote? Here it is: "I'm not a republican, I'm not a democrat. I'm a Christocrat!" Very nice!!!! It sounded freakish to me. I only imagine what unbelievers thought.