From the darkness and uncertainty of Jehovah's Witnesses to the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven

No longer dead, but made alive by God Himself to be an heir with Jesus Christ by faith and grace alone.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Solemnly Testify

Acts 10:42 And He ordered us to preach to the people, and solemnly to testify that this is the One who has been appointed by God as Judge of the living and the dead.

I can barely hold back the tears.

Just what would I have done if I had been walking out of the Convention Center after a long day with friends and family? Would I have pretended not to listen, not to be bothered, not to be affected by their words?

These people are doing the Lord's work.

"The Bible says that it pleased Yahweh to crush His Son. And if he will crush His Son what makes you think He will not crush you because of your sins?" (see Isaiah 53:10)

Ps. That green book is their 1961 edition of the New World Translation. It is no longer used even though a few words were changed.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't STAND going to assemblies when I was a JW. It got to where I couldn't hardly see any point to it at all; same thing recycled year after year.

JW's never listen to guys like this; in fact the opposite happens, JW's walk away firmer in thier resolve to be willfully ignorant.

I'll give this guy credit for his courage, though; this looks allot tougher than door to door work!


Mike said...

Propmin and Sacchiel, what convinced you guys to come out? Was there a certain apologetic presented? Or was it an "ah ha" moment? Or a friend? Or a street preacher? Just curious.

Sacchiel said...

Propmin, I know all too well it can be a sign of weakness in their eyes if interest is expressed in their message.

Mike, very good question. I'll blog more about it, Lord willing, but it was the Holy Spirit that showed me my great wretchedness harboring in my heart and mind.

Then to know I was made for God. And that I would be with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

Mike Felker said...

I was honestly brought to tears after watching this video. The only JW's that will listen to such a person are ones who's hearts have been opened by the Holy Spirit (Acts 16:14). Men are saved by hearing the gospel. This man was doing everything right; and I pray that God will provide more men like this to reach the JW's.

Sacchiel said...

I understand your reaction Mike-e! God is gracious and the Holy Spirit will convict the world of their sins.

Thank you my brothers in Christ in this video for sharing the gospel with the JW's. We love you!

Dusman said...

I appreciate you putting this video on your blog, for it shows that Iesou Kuriou, the same one that Thomas called "ho kurious mou, kai ho theos mou" (John 20:28) sends His euangelion forth in spite of those who deny that "hoti en auto katoikei pan to pleroma tes theotetos somatikos" (Col. 2:9).